There is sometimes a sense of panic that sets in when
you see your credit card bills begin to spiral out of control. When you
are fairly new to that sense of being trapped by credit, you may turn to
a second mortgage. But then if the credit card bills continue to grow
and grow, as they are designed to do, you suddenly realize you have put
your home on the line and it might now be in danger if you default on
those bills.
This is when that mountain of debt can begin to
knock on the door of your last remaining resources to try to fight back
and you have to make some important decisions. And one is whether it
would be a good idea to cash in your retirement money or borrow on your
401K to get enough money to try to bring down your debt levels. So
deciding whether this is a good idea is a huge gamble because if you
win, you could eliminate debt entirely. But if you lose, there goes your
protection for your senior years and maybe the little nest egg you
wanted to pass along to the kids as an inheritance.
Hitting the 401K to pay off your credit card debt is
a bad idea for a lot of reasons. The most obvious reason is that your
retirement money is tax deferred so when you put it into that account,
you didn’t pay any taxes on it. You don’t have to pay taxes on it until
you take it out. On top of that, the money is intended to stay in
reserve until you hit retirement age so in a lot of cases, if you take
it out early, there is a big penalty you have to pay.
So right away if you cash out your retirement funds
to pay down or pay off your credit card debt, you are losing a lot of
money to those penalties and taxes. You might want to calculate how much
that penalty is going to be compared to the interest you might save
because it’s a big pay off just to get to those funds.
The prevailing logic of hitting the 401k is that in
theory you will save more money from the interest than you would make
from the investment. But there is some solid logic for leaving those
retirement funds right where hey are. For one thing, debt will come and
go but retirement funds have a tendency to going away and never coming
back. Once you cash out those retirement funds and give the money over
to credit card debt, your retirement is gone. But if you find ways to
take care of that credit card debt and leave your retirement alone, it
is there for you and you have that sense of ownership that the debt has
not taken everything from you.
One possible alterative is to borrow against your
401K and use it as collateral. Now in this case you are still just
swapping out debt for debt. But secured debt is often easier to get a
favorable interest rate and you can cap it so the rate doesn’t float
around like credit card debt. So there is some rational for going that
route. But if that is an option, you are still putting a very important
part of your financial future on the line so tread carefully.
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